Why Every Home Baker Should Identify their Vision Statement


A home bakery is an excellent way to earn an income from home, be our own boss, and have a flexible schedule but many bakers find themselves floundering and feeling as if they don’t know how to get from Point A to Point B. What I’m going to tell you today is that you should be thinking about how to get from Point A to Point Z!! I know it sounds a bit crazy…but you should be thinking about 5 years out from now. Whatever is on your mind today, whatever tasks you think you must accomplish to move forward…just set those aside for a moment. Instead, envision yourself five years from now and imagine that your home bakery has been hugely successful. It’s provided a very consistent and comfortable salary for you and your family and you are even being interviewed to share how you got from Point A to Point Z? If this were the case,

  • What would your bakery look like? Would you still be a home baker? Would you have opened a brick and mortar bakery?
  • Would you be teaching baking classes?
  • What was the niche that got you to such great success?
  • What steps did you take to make all of that happen?
These are the things that a well-planned vision statement helps us to define….where are we wanting to go? Once we’ve identified that, we can then start thinking about how we are going to get there and we begin to understand that all of those menial tasks that are taking our time are really what’s preventing us from seeing the clear steps that we need to take.
In essence, our business should have a clear purpose. If it doesn’t, then we will certainly continue to flounder. And if we are floundering, then we have nothing to market. How can we market something if we don’t even understand why we are doing it? Below is a list of some of the main marketing benefits I believe are gained when we take the time to identify our long-term vision.
  • A vision statement will serve as your declaration of your goals and aspirations for the future. It will serve as a guiding light for you as well as everyone else who comes in contact with your business, defining your purpose, values, and direction. 
  • If you feel like you are all over the place, identifying your vision will assist with aligning all decisions back to your “why”.
  • You will see your business as a contributor to the well-being of all you serve (community, other bakers, future bakers, the world in general).
  • You will better understand the reason for your business’s existence.
  • It will help you to differentiate yourself from your competitors.
  • It will lead to clearer messaging, which in turn will attract customers who share your values and aspirations.
  • It will assist you with saying “no” to requests and/or orders that do not align to your business vision.
  • It will enable you to see the value of what you do and price your products accordingly.
  • It will increase your clarity and confidence.

In short, identifying a vision statement will serve as as a source of inspiration for you and everyone who comes in contact with your business. It will provide you with direction, focus, and motivation while also acting as a reference point for decision making. And, maybe even most important of all, it will serve as a valuable tool for driving and achieving long-term success. 

Don’t forget that if you need assistance with crafting a vision statement Think Pink Bakers in the Pink Membership Program have access to the Vision Statement Planner (click on the image below to access). Happy baking!


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